Pulse Oximeter Sensor Module MAX30100
MAX30100 is an integrated pulse oximetry and heart-rate monitor sensor solution. It integrates two LEDs (IR and Red), a photodetector (Red), optimized optics, and low-noise analog signal processing to detect pulse oximetry and heart-rate signals. It is fully configurable through software registers and the digital output data is stored in a 16-deep FIFO within the device.It has an I2C digital interface to communicate with a host microcontroller.
The pulse oximetry subsystem in MAX30100 consists of ambient light cancellation (ALC), 16-bit sigma delta ADC, and proprietary discrete time filter. It has an ultra-low-power operation which makes it ideal for battery operated systems.MAX30100 operates on a supply in the range of 1.8 to 3.3V.It can be used in wearable devices, fitness assistant devices, medical monitoring devices, etc.The MAX30100 operates from 1.8V and 3.3V power supplies and can be powered down through software with negligible standby current, permitting the power supply to remain connected at all times.
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